Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Hello everyone! It was another great day of teaching!

This morning we honored our TAs telling them how valuable they are to us teachers. This was to help the students respect the TAs more. Students listen to the foreign teachers well but the TA don’t have much control.

Yesterday we gained a new member to the teaching team, Carey, a British English teacher. We have been working out the kinks as far as our teamwork goes and today teaching went much smoother.

Tonight one foreign teacher from each team went to help the TAs do skits with the kids. I went and got to see firsthand the disobedience. Thankfully, we were able to help control them and it ended up being a great experience.

Please pray that in these last days of camp we will have a lasting impact on the kids and TAs.

I’m sad to be leaving in just 3 days, I would love to stay another month or two and see more of this beautiful country. It is so incredible here. The friendships I have made with teachers and students are amazing. It will be so hard to leave them.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO! Can’t wait to see you all back home!

One of my students in class #5

A Chinese pagoda on top of the hill close to our hotel


  1. I really miss you. I am so glad your teaching is going well. Love you much, Grandmommy

  2. ERIN.....I just beat Ian,Hannah,and Grandmommy at Settlers of Catan!!!!!

  3. Connor, I'm so glad this is such a great experience for you that you don't want to leave yet! I can't wait to hear more. Good job remembering your brother's b-day. He loved that! See you in a few days. Praying for a safe and quick (feeling at least) trip home.

  4. ERIN-- Loved reading of your great adventure and seeing the wonderful pics. More memories for a lifetime! See you soon in CO. love, Aunt Jan
