Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mike: First Day of Class

Today was our first real day of classes. We started getting to know our kids better and them us. One thing you notice while here is that most of the kids are pretty shy in class, but by the end of the day they started opening up much more. They are a great group of kids. Our class name is "Monkey King Kongs" and our class motto is "Never say never!"

Today, like other days, we got to try out some new and interesting food. For instance, this morning was my first PB & J in China! Hmm... Not sure it's quite what I'm used to back at home. Good enough.

At dinner, Catherine, Connor, Joey and Jingle tried some really hot peppers. There was a lot of sweat and red faces. When we told some of the students about it, they were pretty shocked that they had eaten them. It's one of the hottest peppers they have.


  1. The Pb & j does look interesting. Hot pepper face is hilarious! :)

  2. The PB and J DOES look interesting...but for me it's the combination of that and the bean/cabbage salad that is a bit shocking! Or is that beans and onions? Even better!

  3. Hey, I bet Erin would eat the PB&J but it doesn't surprise me that she isn't on the hot pepper list!! As your mom already said, don't forget to eat cause it would be a little embarrassing for you to pass out like you did in Kenya!! We are praying for the team every day and believe God is doing much more than you ever could imagine!!

  4. Peanuts, hot peppers and cabbage.
